Women’s Suffrage: The Rocky Road to the Ballot

Scotti Finnegan, former elementary school principal; past president LWVCape Cod Area (LWVCCA); LWVMA Field Service representative and

Dr. Florence Seldin, Former school superintendent; past president LWVCCA; former Chatham select person.

Three classes: February 26, March 4, and March 11 from 10:30 – 12:00.

Women’s right to vote was never inevitable. Courageous women had to overcome centuries of bias and exclusion to gain this right. We will focus on the history of this struggle with emphasis on events in Massachusetts, and how racism, family and nativism impacted the movement.

Related Event: On March 2 at 7pm Dr. Stephanie E. Yuhl presents Triumphs and Tensions in the Battle for Women’s Suffrage. This event at Cape Cod Community College Tilden Arts Center is free and open to the public.