Ticks: “One Bite Can Change Your Life…”

Larry Dapsis, Entomologist, Cape Cod Cooperative Extension
One Class 1:30 – 3:00 on March 15

Lyme Disease is the most prevalent tick-borne disease in Massachusetts and is now considered to be a public health crisis.
In addition to Lyme, deer ticks can carry the pathogens which cause Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis, Relapsing Fever and Powassan Virus, all of which can be very serious.
We will learn the basic life cycle and ecology of deer, dog and lone star ticks.
A three-point protection plan will be outlined:  Protect Yourself, Protect Your Yard and Protect Your Pet.
An update on a new invasive species, Asian Longhorn Tick, will be provided as well as on a candidate Lyme vaccine.