The Women of Abstract Expressionism

Beth Stein
B.S., Indiana University
M.A., Montclair State University
Art History presenter since 2008
One-class Course
10:30 – 12:00

April 21

Five Abstract Expressionist female 
artists – Lee Krasner, Elaine de Kooning, Grace Hartigan, Joan Mitchell  and Helen Frankenthaler – were as unique as the works they produced.  What they shared was courage, a spirit of rebellion, and commitment to create.  Each would pay a price for selecting art over the life society would have prescribed for her.  But it is impossible to imagine that any of them, despite the cost, regretted her decision.  Abstract Expressionism could not have existed without these women, but most of the women who were part of the movement were at best sidelined, and at worst forgotten.  Join Beth Stein as she examines the lives and the art of these five exceptional women.