The Mystery We Are

The Mystery We Are
Kathie Dowd Gulotta, Yoga teacher/massage therapist,
B.S. UMass Amherst, M.S. Wheelock College
One-class Friday October 9 from 10:30 – 12:00
“What is there beyond knowing that keeps calling to me?” asked poet Mary Oliver. Einstein wrote, “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all art and science.”  In this short talk, we review amazing research into the nature of consciousness done by Dr. Richie Davidson, Matthieu Ricard and the Dalai Lama at UW Waisman Laboratory.  We parallel that with the awe expressed by poets like Mary Oliver. Included will be references to Dr. Eben Alexander’s “Living in a Conscious Universe” and Anil Seth’s Tedtalk.  The beneficial B.O.D. breathing is introduced.