The Mystery We Are

Kathie Dowd Gulotta
Yoga teacher/massage therapist, B.S. UMass Amherst, M.S. Wheelock College.

Four classes from 1:30 – 3:00 on March 19, 26, and April 2, 9.

What do physicist Albert Einstein and poet Mary Oliver have in common? What simple practices can you begin today that will enhance the quality of your life? Discover answers to questions like these through investigations of current science and literature. This course will highlight research being done at Heartmath Institute, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and UW Waisman Laboratory. It will pair neuroscience with the poetry of Mary Oliver, Wendell Berry, and others as we “stand in awe of the Mystery of the Universe” (Einstein).

Each class will have handouts that you can download, print and bring to class. Below are the current handouts: