The Health of Our Democracy and the Rule of Law After the 2024 Presidential and Congressional Elections: Did the Center Hold?

Scott Harshbarger
Former Attorney-General of MA and National President of Common Cause
Chair of Lawyers Defending American Democracy
One Class
1:30 – 3:00 (Zoom ONLY)
November 11
Scott will continue our discussion and evaluation of the strength and fragility of democracy and the rule of law in light of the dramatic set of political events of the past year, with particular focus on the key factors leading to the results of local, state, national and congressional elections. Will the results be accepted? Will we arrive at Jan. 20, 2025 peacefully? What was and is the likely impact of the 2024 actions and decisions of the US Supreme Court? Of the criminal indictments/prosecutions and appeals? Of world events, including Ukraine, Israel and Hamas, the UK elections and of any number of other pre-election events and predictions for 2025?