Take Me Away! Travel the World of Classical Mythology Through Art

Peggy Kelleher
B.A., Classical Languages, Chestnut Hill College,
M.A., Teaching of English, Manhattanville College
Five classes: Tuesdays October 20, 27, November 3,10, 17 from 1:30 – 2:30
These sessions will provide you with a passport to some of the world’s most spectacular art inspired by classical mythology.  Each week we will “travel” to a different museum in a major city to examine and enjoy selected works on display at that museum that represent myths and legends of the ancient world.  Knowing or learning the story behind the painting will dramatically increase your appreciation of each work.
10/20: Uffizi, Florence
10/27: Prado, Madrid
11/3: National Gallery, London
11/10: Louvre, Paris
11/17: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York