Spoken Word Poetry

Marc Strauss, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus; Dobbins Conservatory of Theatre and Dance; Holland College of Arts & Media-Southeast Missouri State University 

Four Classes
1:30 – 3:30
September 30, October 7, 14, 21

With its roots in oral traditions as far back as ancient Greece, Spoken Word Poetry is a course in which we will share multiple examples of poetry as performance. Characterized by rhyme, repetition, improvisation, and word play, spoken word poems frequently refer to issues of social justice, politics, race, and community. Related to slam poetry, spoken word poetry may draw on music, sound, dance, or other kinds of performance to connect with audiences. Curated with moderated discussion by Marc Strauss, Ph.D., join us for a fascinating excursion into this exciting world of poetry performance through video and CD examples from the past through the present.