Living with Our Wild Neighbors

Living with Our Wild Neighbors

Stephanie Ellis, Executive Director Wild Care, Inc.

Three Classes:  Friday November 6, 13, 20  from 1:30 – 3:00
11/6: Why Wildlife Matters:
Wildlife often go unnoticed, taken for granted or thought of as pests. In our busy lives, we forget how much we depend on wildlife to maintain balance in the natural world, and how much our wild neighbors depend on us to protect and preserve them and their habitats. Stephanie will make you think differently about that “pesky” squirrel in your backyard.
11/13: Attracting Native Birds to Your Backyard:
From native plants, to nest boxes, to birdseed, Stephanie will provide info for attracting a variety of species of birds to your yard throughout the year. There’s no better time than winter to start planning your spring backyard bird bonanza!
11/20: WIldlife Rehab 101:
In this class, you will learn about some of the common wildlife injuries and ailments that Wild Care sees brought to their door on a regular basis. Learn how they rehabilitate these animals, and how you can reduce impacts on our feathered and furred friends.