Book Sales

Please Note: No Book Sale on November 30, 2024
ALL DAY Book Sale on December 14, 10am – 3:30pm
A large portion of the funds that we raise come from our on-going book
sales at the Snow Library. These sales are run by our Book Sale
Committee, who volunteer their time and energy to sort, clean, price, and
shelve the numerous donations we receive throughout the year.
Book Sales are held every Saturday that the library is open, from 10 am to
1pm. We hold four “All Day” sales a year as well, usually coinciding with a
holiday weekend (Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, and a holiday sale in
December). We also have a Book Sale Extension area opposite the
Circulation Desk where a limited selection of books is available during
library hours.
Book donations are always needed, and we also accept CDs and DVDs.
Please remember we sell these items to raise money to support the library.
Therefore, all donated items should be CLEAN and UNDAMAGED. If you
would buy an item you want to donate in its current condition, we want it!
• Smaller donations of up to 2 bags or boxes (no bigger than a wine
box) can be dropped off at the front desk or brought to a Saturday
Book Sale.
• If you have more than 2 bags or boxes, please call (508) 317-7493 or
(508) 240-4565 to arrange a donation appointment. We can also pick
up larger donations from your home, if necessary.
• We DO NOT ACCEPT textbooks, atlases or other reference books,
or travel guides.
• Please do not use plastic tubs or crates to donate your books unless
you are emptying them to take back home with you.