Beginning of an Unending Tragedy: Israel’s War of Independence & the Arab Palestinians’ Nakba in 1948

Russ Leng
Political Science professor,
Middlebury College
Author of books and articles on war,
international conflict, and diplomacy.
One Class
10:30 – 12:00 (Zoom ONLY)
October 1 
On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion signed a document, which inaugurated the State of Israel. On the same day, the Egyptian air force bombed Tel Aviv. For Israeli Jews, May 14 is celebrated as the most glorious day in Jewish history. Palestinian Arabs refer to that day, and the war that followed, as Nakba, the catastrophe. Dr. Leng’s course examines the conditions that led to the first Arab-Israeli war, the conduct of the war, and its consequences for the next three-quarters of a century. 
(Please also see David Bisno’s course, History of the Holy Land, presented in person only, on October 16 & 17.)