American Impressionism: The Art of William Merritt Chase and ‘The Ten’

Beth Stein,
B.S., Indiana University
M.A., Montclair State University
Art history presenter since 2008
One-class Course, September 27
1:30 – 3:00

American Impressionism was a style of painting related to French Impressionism, practiced by American artists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Dissatisfied with the conservatism of the American art establishment, ten artists from Boston and New York joined together in 1898 to form “The Ten,” with the intention of creating their own society that valued originality, imagination and exhibition quality and with the purpose of exhibiting their work as a unified group of Impressionist painters. Beth will discuss the lives and achievements of “The Ten,” with emphasis on William Merritt Chase, a member of this group who painted some of the most beautiful and beloved pieces of American art. Many of these works can be viewed at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.