Beethoven, the First Rock Star

George Scharr
Arts Department Chair
Director of Music – Falmouth Academy
Bass Trombonist/Pre-concert Lecturer, Cape Symphony Orchestra 
Two Classes
1:30 – 3:00
April 3, 10 
Why did 20,000 people come out for Beethoven’s funeral? Why does his music touch us? Why do we attend huge concerts? Why do we choose to listen to music throughout our lives?   Why do our lives seem to even have a soundtrack to them? Why does the music of various genres touch different people in different ways, and how do we often depend on it to “heal” ourselves?  Why do we so devotedly embrace our music heroes, our rock stars, and others who fill our souls with musical sound?  Why do those creators of music create and how does that creation fill their souls and hearts? Why must they create and how does it help them to heal, mend, and cope? We’ll examine Beethoven, the first rock star, and more importantly we’ll look at the role of music in our lives and how it can help us to navigate, cope, and heal during both good and challenging times.