2024 Fall LTL Registration

Below is the on-line registration form for 2024 Fall Lifetime Learning. You will receive an email confirmation that you have submitted this form from the Friends of Snow Library once you hit the SUBMIT button. Note that you will not be officially registered for your courses until you return from PayPal to the FriendsofSnowLibrary.org website and receive an email receipt from them, confirming your payment.

We are currently limited to 100 in-class registrants. Please select only one version of the course you would like to attend: "Z-" for zoom or "C-" for a chance to attend in-person in the Craine Room.

Registrants will be sent email reminders, whether you will attend via zoom or in-person, and zoom links prior to every class.

To register for the course and attend by zoom, select the "Z-" version of the course. If you wish to try for a chance to attend in person select the "C-" version of the course. Choose only one. If you have registered for the Craine Room, ASSUME YOU ARE ON THE LIST TO ATTEND IN PERSON UNLESS YOU HEAR OTHERWISE. The suggested donation is $10/course.

Hitting the SUBMIT button will take you to PayPal where you can use your charge card to pay the Total above. If you choose to pay a lesser amount, please print out and mail the pdf of the registration form found on the Lifetime Learning page.

If you ever feel that there is a problem with your registration or PayPal billing, please contact Phil Schmidt at lifetimelearning.registrar@gmail.com