Where Did Baby Boomers’ Dreams Go? Can They Ever Be Realized?

Where Did Baby Boomers’ Dreams Go?
Can They Ever Be Realized?
Richard Finnegan
Professor Emeritus, Political Science, Stonehill College
Four Classes on Tuesdays February 23, March 2, 9, 16 from 1:30 – 3:00
What happened to the dreams that today’s Baby Boomers held when they were students in the 1950s & 1960s? They fought and had dreams for a better world, a better country, a better future.  They worked hard for those ideals.  What happened? Why were those dreams never realized?  Why, over half a century later, are we at the point that we find ourselves in now?  How can these ideals finally be realized? How can we achieve social equality, a clean planet, and more?
These questions will be addressed and discussed in a four-class course while we examine the history and the role of  four institutions.
2/23 • The Supreme Court
3/2 •   The Congress
3/9 •   The Presidency
3/16 •  The Media